Wine Recommendations

Selecting a bottle of wine from a wine store can be an intimidating experience. Maybe you want to try something different, but are worried you won’t like it. Perhaps you are looking to bring a special bottle to dinner or to a party, but don’t know what will impress or appeal to a wide group of people. The Wine Diva is here to help! Fill out the below form and I will make a personalized wine recommendation for you from your local wine store!


  1. Select the type of wine you want (red, white, etc.)
  2. Tell me how much you want to spend
  3. Copy and paste the web address of your local wine shop (PLEASE NOTE: Your wine store must have online shopping so I can see the wines they have in inventory)
  4. Tell me anything else I should know to help select the best bottle for you

In less than 24 hours, I will send you a personalized wine recommendation. The best part is, this very personalized service costs only $1.00 per bottle recommended, and you will end up with wines you are certain to enjoy!

Personalized Wine Recommendation


